Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Trip to Paris & Ireland

My cousin Dani and I decided to take a trip to France before she lost her flight benefits so we spent two days in Paris and one night in Ireland and shopping in New York during our layover. We did a lot of walking, but saw everything we wanted to, well mostly. The only things we didn't get a chance to see were Normandy and Versailles. We saw the Arc, Eiffel Tower, Moulin Rouge, Lourve, Notre Dame, and another Castle that I don't remember the name of. All in all we had a pretty good time. We flew to Ireland and waited in the customs line for about two hours but finally made it to the hostle. We pretty much did what ever we wanted there and didn't really have a plan. We went to the Castle out by the ocean and went to St. Patrick's Cathedral. The Guinness brewery was a little far so we didn't see that. It started to rain so we decided to turn in. Our flight left early in the morning so we had about a 4 hour layover in NYC. We only made it to Canal Street, but that was pretty fun. I never knew what kind of shopping went on there but it was quite an adventure. It was a really fun trip.


Krista said...

What an Awesome trip! I'm glad that you and Dani could go and have so much fun. It's nice to see that you actually made it to France this time. ;)

Ashley said...

I can't believe that you saw all of that in such a short amount of time! How fun!!!