Friday, February 20, 2009

Our new addition

I was sick of only getting about 17 mpg in my Mitsubishi, so we decided it was time to find something a little better. Everyone knows Toyotas are good cars so we decided to look around for one. I've always liked Corollas so our search began. After going to a few dealerships (some which were really annoying) we finally went to Tony Divino where we found it. The car I had always wanted. After talking with the salesman, we got a pretty sweet deal and signed the papers.
Even better than getting a killer deal on the car, the salesman thought Brady had the personality to work with them. He put an application in the car and Brady starts working for them next week!!


Brooks Nelson said...

I saw the "our new addition" and thought you were annoucning you were having a baby. haha Congrats on the new car and the new job. That's really exciting.

kelsey gallo said...

nice!! we have a carolla and it freaking rocks! congrats to brady!